NADA show unique display

NADA Show and Kintz Custom Fixtures


SEG Systems Capabilities

  • In-house manufacturing
  • Custom displays, fixtures and lightboxes
  • Millwork
  • Metal Fabrication
  • Powder coating and finishing
  • Design, engineering, and installation

Looks like we took a page from Tim Kintz leadership book when we created his custom fixtures and larger than life displays for the NADA Show (National Auto Dealers Association).

How did we do that exactly? We listened to him and knew that what he needed was not going to be a one size fits all kind of event space. The same kind of philosophy written in his book.

We worked with Creative Leverage who asked us to create unique displays that showcase his book, his message, and his brand. Tim needed something that would stand out and tell his story in a grand way. So, we created a 68”x 102” replica of his book. Talk about a conversation starter.

We also created custom fixtures that could stage his books and help tell his story. We did that by using aluminum extrusions, metal pegs, millwork and SEG graphics to amplify his marque products.

Check out the giant book, signage and industrial steel fixtures that reinforced his background with the automotive industry and love of the game.

Looking to stand out from the crowd. Give us a call.

Kintz unique displays
NADA show unique displays
Kintz custom fixture in production
Kintz custom fixture front
Custom fixtures rendering
Kintz custom fixtures<br />

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